Watching the Show
Kingsdown Beach, Kingsdown, Kent, UK.
Visit collection: Beyond the PebblesThere’s a certain excitement
as the sun starts to rise
chasing the dark from the night sky.
This morning the tide is low in the bay
Who will come out to explore and play
Fisherman casting out with a splash
Canoeists passing by in a dash
A metal detectorist looking for a find
Families rock pooling, and walkers, all kinds
Shrimpers sweeping with wide nets
A man and a trolley, bait digging I expect
Swimmers embracing the cold of the sea
sometimes the tide just up to their knees.
The lone photographer watching the show.
Most chase their pursuits for an hour or so…
As the tide returns, they pack up and go.
- Watching the Show
- Kingsdown
- Kent UK
Over the years Kingsdown Beach has been one of my favourite places to visit, especially during low spring tides.
I would wander the bay as the tide went out and then watch as the tide came back in. If it was early morning I would usually have the bay to myself, occasionally seeing another person walking a dog in the distance. Over the years this solitude has got less and less, when the tide goes out now the bay comes to life with visitors engaging in all sorts of activities and as the tide predictably returns, one by one they disappear.