The Hidden Seabed

It has been eleven years since the Richborough cooling towers were demolished. Very few went down to Kingsdown beach that Sunday morning, it seemed many had gone to see the tower's demise. The sound of the explosion echoed over the bay. Discussing the tide with a gentleman I met, he said it was the lowest he had seen it for 20 years, explaining the high pressure had caused the spring tide to go out further than predicted. What is normally seen as a pebble beach with chalk beds at Kingsdown in Kent, opened up as a vast area of sand, it was magical.

Visit collection: Beyond the Pebbles
Kingsdown bay, A low spring tide has exposed a vast area of sand behind the seaweed covered chalk beds.
I went down to the beach that day the tower's demise echoed over the bay. It was March the cold winds were none The day was warm, with a southerly breeze High pressure depressed the silent sea. The tide went low, exceptionally low. Many had gone to see the cooling towers brought to their knees with a sudden cheer, then a sigh as rubble and dust filled the sky. Very few had ventured out and cared to tread on the unhidden seabed To marvel at their grand reveal in that magical hour when the tide is still. The tide was low, magically so.
  • The Hidden Seabed
  • Kingsdown
  • Kent
  • UK