Woods are Great
Woods are great in every season, some woods are good for wildflowers and butterflies others for weird fungi and chestnuts and then some woods are good for getting lost in. I like to think the trees listen to everything, storing away anecdotes to dream about during a long winter's hibernation. Kings Wood near Ashford is a particularly magnificent wood matching its grand name.
Visit collection: Wonderful BritainWoods are great for hugging trees
for running around and grazing knees
For spending time with family and friends
Searching for sticks and making dens
For strolling into a bright sunny glade
then stumbling back into dark cool shade
For making you think no one else is around
as the soft woodland floor muffles sound
but if the undergrowth were to rustle you
would pretend you weren't scared and chuckle
For vivid imaginations
and tales told in whispers
mindful that trees are very good listeners.
- Woods are Great
- Kings Wood
- Ashford
- Kent