Twilights Veil
The magical light of twilight in the evening before the blanket of night is pulled across the sky.
As the sun dips, to be elsewhere
Twilight drapes through the air.
A delicate veil, an ethereal sheen
The realm of the in-between.
Neither the day nor the night
Not quite dark, yet not bright.
Moments of quiet as the air stills
The time before darkness spills.
Into this magical dwindling light
Stars emerge, pulsing bright.
Gaze at the first star to gleam,
Make a wish, share your dream.
- Twilights Veil
- Sutton Staithe
- Norfolk Broads
- Norfolk UK.
We have often visited the Norfolk Broads in March and September when sunrises and sunsets happen at more sociable hours, as does twilight, whether it be morning twilight or evening twilight. The in-between, neither night nor day. During this magical light, the vast Norfolk skies and corresponding reflections morph most spectacularly and can take your breath away.