Gone Fishing Days.

Relax and remember a perfect day.

Looking across the sea from the end of a pier, a lone person is fishing.
Often, days are just okay Start bright then fade to grey. Darker days get chased away Perfect storms to keep at bay. Then there are days you wish would linger on….. Days that make you skip and hum a song. I call these days ‘Gone Fishing Days’ You hope but never expect A perfect catch in every respect. Once hooked, you reel a piece into your heart Memories to treasure and never part. In the retelling, the story might grow But hey, your story, your show.
  • Gone Fishing Days
  • Deal Pier
  • Deal
  • Kent UK

‘Gone fishing’ I love that expression, it conjures up peace, tranquillity and hope. Hope that maybe today is the day you’ll land the catch you can talk about with pride forever.

Sometimes experiencing a perfect day, is like that, one that happens when you least expect it, where at the end of the day you take a deep sigh and say that was perfect. These I call my ‘Gone Fishing Days’.

The retelling of the story might involve a bit of artistic licence and eventually end up hovering between a dream and reality, but I think that is just perfect.